La Thuile-La Rosière timetable
If you're skiing between La Thuile and La Rosière, make sure to respect the slope closing times.
Ignoring the timetable can lead to:
- safety risks
- you might find yourself on the slopes at nightfall
- the slopes might close while you're still skiing
- you might find yourself in very difficult weather conditions
- operational issues for the D.S.R. and Funivie Piccolo San Bernardo lifts, causing delays in services and slope grooming.
For your return to La Thuile, it’s best not to wait for the last ski lifts, especially in bad weather.
The last recommended departure times from La Rosière back to La Thuile, skis on, are:
- 3:00 p.m. from the Roches Noires Express chairlift
- 3:30 p.m. from the Bellecombe 1 ski lift
Closing time of lifts from the start of the season until the last Friday in January:
- La Rosière - La Thuile: 4:00 p.m. Bellecombe 1 ski lift
- La Thuile - La Rosière: 4:00 p.m. Piccolo San Bernardo Express and Belvedere chairlifts
Closing time of lifts from the last Saturday in January until the end of the season:
- La Rosière - La Thuile: 4:15 p.m. Bellecombe 1 ski lift
- La Thuile - La Rosière:4:15 p.m. Piccolo San Bernardo Express and Belvedere chairlifts.
Delays are regulated in accordance with the following conditions and charges:
- delays strictly less than 5 minutes: tolerance in favourable weather conditions, no charge
- delays longer than 5 minutes and strictly less than 15 minutes: if the weather conditions allow closure to be delayed for up to 15 minutes, DSR and Funivie Piccolo San Bernardo shall charge an amount of €68.00 inclusive of VAT
- delays equal to or longer than 15 minutes, or in weather conditions that do not allow closure to be delayed for 15 minutes: the ski lift operators may refuse to take the customer back to their departure station. The cost of accommodation shall be borne by the customer, without the right to claim expenses from the ski lift operators
- if closure is delayed by more than 15 minutes, and provided consent is granted to use the facility, the ski lift operators shall charge €276.00 inclusive of taxes.
The above amounts are all per person.
We thank you in advance for adhering to our closing times to preserve your own safety and that of our staff.